Monday, June 12, 2006

All roads lead to Rome

I'm going to Rome this weekend! YAAAAY! It's me and four girls from the University of Hawaii. Tomorrow I'm skipping lingua practica so we can get tickets. Super, super excited.

Today I am on the computer at school, which is free. All I can say is you get what you pay for. I waited for about 45 mins to get on and got the slow computer. Hooray. I also despise these mac keyboards. They are so hard to type on!

The Slovenian girls went to the beach yesterday and were so exhausted that we didn't go out, but we will go out tonight and tomorrow. Tomorrow is their last day. Going out with them has been fun but I don't think I'll miss the late hours. I had almost adjusted to the time zone before we started keeping these late hours.

Yesterday I had an absolutely fabulous dinner for only 10 Euro. Today I got a sandwich and water for just four! Cheapest meal I've had since I got here. Tonight I'm going to try and figure out how much money I've been spending so I know how much I have for Rome. The school is having a cooking class tonight but I'm not doing it because a) it's 40 euro and b) I'd probably look like a non-cooking idiot. Maybe i'll ask them to offer a remedial cooking class. They're also organizing a trip to the opera (Carmen) and I don't know if I can afford it or not.

Today the US plays Czech Rep and Italy plays um... somebody. I think those games would be tons of fun to watch at one of the big screens. I'll definitely go out for the US-Italy game, but the general sense among the Americans is that it would be better for us if Italy won. You know, better for our safety.

Nothing else of interest, I guess. Thinking about ripping out what I've knitted so far and making it bigger, but I haven't decided yet. It will stretch to the right size but would look better if it weren't so tight I think.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Just so you get to have all the great experiences you can while in Italy (Italian cooking class, Carmen), why don't you ask your mom and dad to help cover the costs? It might just work! Especially if you were to call your softhearted dad, or your mom who is living in Italy vicariously through you. You could pay her back by teaching her what you learned in the cooking class. I'll bet she can't believe you wouldn't go....
