Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Socktoberfest Salute

Check me out!

I bought these socks at Target last year and whaddaya know, they're just like the ones in the Socktoberfest button! (which I ought to add, but I am laaaazy. and busy).

The socks and I have made up, and I'm more in love with them than ever. This does not mean that there will be no more frogging, though, as I made about three inches of progress and decided to revise the last two inches of lace pattern. Le Sigh.


  1. I've been toying around with the idea of learning to fence for a while now, and here you come along with your fencing AND the greatest socks ever. Now I want to learn all the more. Is that wrong? It feels wrong. But whew, awesome socks.

  2. Awesome socks, they really make your fencing costume.

  3. You make a fine point. Swords ARE pretty sexy. I've done a bit of kendo in my day in my several years of Aikido studying, but I'd like to try this very different style. I just don't know if I have the socks for it! Might I place an order?

  4. Glad you and your "other" socks have kised and made up--bumpy though the relationship may be. I wonder how THEY will look with a fencing constume!

  5. Thanks for the comment at my blog! I quit fencing because I didn't have time as I got to third year in my undergraduate. I'd like to start up again, but haven't yet. My life is kind of crazy at the moment. Annoyingly, I finally got my "C" just before I quit!

  6. You are just an adorable fencer. :) (Is that what you call one who fences?) Anyway, I love your knee socks! They're going to be beautiful. I'm glad you made up.

    Thanks for sticking with me while I've been going thru this time. Am so anxious for life to be normal again.

  7. Yay for fencers! And socks! Double yay for fencers with spiffy socks! (And thank you, FIE, for lifting the ban on anything-but-white socks!)

    Thank you for inspiring me to learn to knit socks. My plan is now to come up with strange socks and wear them to tournaments...ahem.
