Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I've been neglecting you

Ack! School!

I'm still knitting, but I've been stressed with school and, as you can tell, my blogging has suffered because of it. Apparently my last post confused some people, but the yarn I won wasn't the yarn in the picture right below it, so I am sorry. As soon as the new yarn arrives I will take a pretty picture and show it to you in its new habitat.

I bought the yarn in the picture at an LYS I'd never visited before, but it's actually much closer to me than either of the ones I've visited before. It's called Nancy's Knits, I think, and is stuffed chock full of yarny goodness. They had some Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn which is ever so delicious. I got this solid brown there for Dad's socks after he requested a pair. Like this:

Dad: I like those kneesocks you made
Me: (totally joking) Good, because I'm making you a pair just like them.
Dad: (kind of excited) really?

So, after that, I just *had* to make him a pair, right?

This is where I was a week ago, modeled by the handsome and charming Dave. That weird bit on Dave's ankle is just the other sock. I've since completed both heels and a few rows of the leg. When last we saw these socks I was going to do a 3x2 ribbing, but that really didn't work out either. For ribbing to work really well with this yarn I'd have to do it on size 0s, and I just don't want to. I ripped back what ribbing I'd done and started thinking.

I like the way clocks look. And I wanted something simple. I started flipping through Nancy Bush's book Folk Socks and really liked these Estonian Socks, at least the part of the clock that runs down the heel. (That's what clocks look like, if you haven't heard of them before) So I did a bit of thinking and a bit of stockinette and started knitting those clocks about 2" after the toe increases were finished. It's a little cable done in twisted stitches and works perfectly with the yarn.

I'm using the Baudelaire heel, but instead of plain I have the clock motif running up either side of the heel flap. It looks great, and I'm very sorry I don't have a picture for you fine folks.

My question is this: what do y'all think about socks with clocks? What about toe-up socks with clocks? I'm asking because I'm thinking about posting this pattern here for your own sock-knitting pleasure. I'm really starting to be sold on the whole toe-up thing, and I think clocks are something that can look sophisticated and dressy but not too "girly" if made in a manly color. Everybody loves manly sock patterns! Do you guys want to see this one?


  1. Yes! Yes, we need manly sock patterns, patterns with clocks! Socks with clocks!

    Seriously, yours look fabulous and I would love to see the pattern.

  2. 1) What's an LYS? I am ignorant!

    2)Wooooo! Sexy Dave leg!

    3) Clocks-on-socks... fine idea! I'm not so big on toe socks in general, but I realize that that's just because I am ornery and contrary.

  3. Oh yeah, that was me.

  4. I've never put clocks on my socks (that sounds like something from a Dr. Seuss book, LOL). I had never heard of the term before either. In fact, I was thinking you meant clocks as in the kind that hang on walls...thought you were going to knit an image of a clock on your socks...glad to see I was wrong though LOL.

    And for Knastymike in the previous posts, LYS stands for Local Yarn Shop. Took me awhile to understand that too, and I had to ask what it meant as well.
