Tuesday, March 13, 2007

In which Liz acquires several bad habits

I have acquired several bad habits recently. Venezia and I are having some minor issues, and this is probably motivating some of my bad behavior.

A disclaimer: I know that for many of you, these things are not bad habits, or at the very least are fairly normal and acceptable. But the truth is, I've been avoiding them for some time now, and it pains me that they've all snuck up on me at once.

Bad Habit #1--Stashing

Three skeins of CTH in the bluegreen colorway for the Cherry Leaf shawl in Victorian Lace Today, acquired two or three weeks ago.

Two skeins of Louet Gems in burgundy and the Twisted Flower Sock Pattern by Cookie A., who is now selling her fantabulous designs here. Now this one actually has a pretty cool story behind it. I fell in mad mad love with the sock when Cookie posted it on her blog. She would be selling it at Stitches West. Now my good buddy Auntie Ann was going to Stitches, and I thought about asking her to pick it up for me because I was in such mad mad love with the pattern. But I hesitated, as I hate buying yarn without knowing I'll get to it really soon. I resigned myself to hoping Cookie would sell the pattern online.

The Friday before Stitches I listened to Lime n Violet's podcast and they, too, are in mad mad love with the Twisted Flower sock, and I took it as a sign. I emailed Ann and asked her to get it for me, but alas! she was off having a fabulous time and didn't get the email until she got home. But, knitbloggers to the rescue, she asked her friend Deepa to save me from the torment of not having Twisted Flowers on my feet. Deepa gets a gold star for being awesome and an extra gold star for picking such a gorgeous color yarn. Yay! Thanks again!

Bad Habit #2--Working on too many projects at once.

There's Venezia. And the Bearfoot socks. Usually, that would be more than enough for me.

Then there was a dishrag. And another, and a third. And another random project with the same dishcloth cotton that, if it ever becomes interesting, I will let you guys know, but for now it isn't very interesting.

Then a friend had a birthday and I decided said friend needed some socks. Thick, squishy, washable socks made out of Mission Falls 1824 Wool on big needles so I could finish them quickly.

Then those were too big, so I frogged them, and then I needed something else to cheer me up, so I cast on for:

Click for big so you can see my pretty Cherry Leaf pattern.
Bad Liz! I still haven't finished the Moebius, which I promised myself I would do before starting the sweet sweet lace. Which I love. A lot.

Bad Habit #3--Warshrags.

Warshrag #1 is mine, and oooh I love it. Warshrag #2 is circular and kinda lacy and wound up going home with a friend who likes it so much she's afraid to use it. Hmm, I think this friend needs to be rewarded for her Appreciation of The Knitting. Maybe with something she will use. Maybe thick, squishy and washable, made out of Mission Falls 1824 Wool.

Does she read this blog? I'm not sure! Takin risks here!

Anyway the above is Warshrag #3, destined for the kitchen of Dave's aunt where it will totally clash with everything, but she said she loved knitted dishrags and hadn't found them in years, and what can I say, if you tasted this lady's cookies you'd fall all over yourself to knit for her, so before I knew it I'd cast on for her own Warshrag.

Do you guys like the crochet edging? I've never done shells before, but they make me smile.


  1. I know you didn't want to succumb to creating a yarn stash but it happens to the best of us. Both yarns are pretty! Your lace is coming along nicely too. And I really like the crochet edging on that warshrag! :)

  2. I thought I spied some crochet on that warshrag -- very pretty! Definitely a gold star for Deepa, too!

  3. Ugh, I know exactly what you mean. Stashing is what happens when you have just enough time to get inspired by lots of things, but not enough time to actually knit them all.

    I think spring doesn't help either. I don't know about you with Venezia, but it's harder and harder for me to work on Gatsby Girl as the whether gets warmer and warmer. I know I won't be wearing it soon, even if I do finish it.

  4. One of us! One of us!

    I love Cookie's sock pattern. And really, I wouldn't say that you were stashing. To me, stashing is buying yarn that you don't have a project planned for. You have plans for all of your yarn, therefore, it is not stash. It's just Projects-in-Waiting.

  5. Stashing the Cherry Tree Hill is most certainly not a bad habit. I just bought the same Cookie sock pattern - it is so freaking gorgeous, I can't wait to start it.

  6. Hey...remember me? I dropped out of blogland several months ago (knitandtink) but am back to the land of the living. I have been enjoying watching your progress!

  7. I'll have to check out some of Cookie's sock patterns. She is the same Cookie of the newly popular Monkey sock eh? Love the CTH yarn...I haven't used it, but admire it on many blogs and plan on getting some at some point - maybe when my own stash decreases, LOL.
