Sunday, April 08, 2007

Hoppy Easter

Wow, it's 40 degrees outside. In Texas. In April. Man, wouldn't this be a perfect day to wear a cute little fair isle sweater? Too bad somebody hasn't finished hers! Too bad the mid-80s temps of the last month sucked away her motivation to finish it, even though she knew that these cold snaps are actually pretty common! Oops!

In a fit of cold-induced motivation yesterday I finished Left Sleeve v 2.0 and then wove in all the ends that won't be involved in the steek. I managed to do this all in one sitting, which made me kind of happy. I only have the ends from the body left to do, and I'm saving them all so I can show you guys how insane this pile of ends is.

The real reason I'm posting right now is to show you how far I got on the Cherry Leaf Shawl while I was ignoring Venezia (with sunglasses for scale).

And the flash-free closeup so you can see the crumply crumples:

Amazing how I can't capture the colors here with or without flash, but both ways pretty much capture the shade of my Orange Couch. Are you surprised to hear that when my friends and I discuss possible locations for hanging out, my place is generally referred to as Orange Couch Land? And, if you've ever wondered about the white background in most of my pics, those are the pillows I put on top of the couch so the orange doesn't detract from the rest of the picture.

I will say, this couch is hella comfortable.

Anyway, back to the knitting. I am now 18 repeats in and only just had to switch to the second ball of yarn. I am aiming for at least 25 repeats, but it's only 40" across right now (unstretched) so even that may be too small. It does get annoying how every row takes a little longer than the one before. I wish I'd done the shawl in the recommended needle size (7, not 5), as I think I'd be a lot closer to being done. Oh well, at least I have some intense Venezia finishing to distract me!

Happy Easter, guys.


  1. that's one handsome shawl!

  2. That is really beautiful. I hear ya on how funny it is that some colors come through so true and the thing you were trying to get not at all.

    Have a great Easter!

  3. Lovely shawl over there in Orange Couch Land!
