Thursday, May 10, 2007

Get your needles ready! (plus participant list)

In hindsight, it would appear that if one does not have enough time to sew up and photograph a sweater, one probably also does not have enough time to administer a knitting challenge. Lesson learned.

But while I was stressing about finals, you guys were getting excited about speed knitting! So far we have fifteen participants. I don't think I'm missing anybody but if I am please let me know in the comments or by email.

Note the button in the sidebar -----> made by the lovely and talented Yarn Bee. Grab the image from there or from our flickr page. If you've already got your stuff picked out, we'd love to see pictures over there!

Many of you have opted to do the sock in 18 hours rather than in one day, which is totally fine (and probably better for your hands). Everybody with a completed sock (within the time frame) will be entered in the drawing, which will take place on Monday, May 21.

Here's the participant list, vaguely in order of when I got their email. I will keep on updating this if anybody else wants to join. Updated 5/16: we're up to 27 participants!

Da Gu Ma (that's my mom!)
Sea Anemone
Heather/Celtic Coyote
Laura Bell, who'll be posting to flickr
Lizzie K8
Laura/amazingwoman, also to flickr
Daniella, more flickr
Raeknits! and spins!

A few people are going to start this weekend. Keep us updated!

I've decided to do mine on Sunday. As my mother's day gift to my mom (cheap bastard that I am) I'm going to go home this weekend, mooch off their food and washing machine, and then Mom and I are going to take over the family room and knit together alllllll day. Brother and Dad, as their mothers' day gifts to my mom, are going to feed us and cater to our every whim. Ok, maybe not the last part, but we definitely won't give Dad the remote!


  1. Wow--what a fantastic idea for mother's day---I wonder if I can talk my little girl into doing that instead of build a bear--or maybe some of both! Have fun!

  2. Your mother's day plan sounds so nice. I wish my mom knit...and lived in the same state. That reminds me, I probably should send her something for mother's day!

  3. haha! we apparently have the same ideas, only my mom doesn't knit. so it'll be mooch off of her washer, make meals, and talk all weekend.

  4. Okay, I'm in. I'm going to knit Cookie's Monkey sock on Mother's Day. I cannot think of a better way to spend the day, knitting and being served by the boys :-) Have a great time with your Mom!

  5. i can't wait to see how everyone does! :)

  6. Yipes! Haven't even finished sock 1, I guess I'll have to set that aside (I wouldn't want to be accused of cheating -- not like some) and start sock 2, as it may take me the entire period to find 18 hours of knitting time. Must start tomorrow, I don't think I have any time at all for knitting today.

  7. What a great list of dedicated knitters! Good luck to all of us!

    And happy Mother's Day to all mothers!

  8. Hey Liz, go ahead and add me if you have time. I completely understand if I'm too late. I'll still participate, whether I'm on the "official" list or not. Happy knitting!

  9. I would LOVE to join, too. I have a monkey sock sitting here staring at me, crying, wondering why it has no mate. ;-)

    If it's not too late, please add me? If it IS too late, heck, I'm still gonna knit this sucker in one day tomorrow!
