Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I had probably the best weekend in the history of weekends. I know it's Wednesday now, but there were lots of people I had to call before I could post about it.

Dave and I are engaged! Yes, it was a surprise, and no, we haven't set a date yet (but we're thinking about 2 years from now).

On Thursday I found out that my usual Saturday fencing class was cancelled, so I could go up to visit Dave a day early. When I told him, he said he wanted to take me out for a nice dinner "for my birthday." "My birthday isn't for another two weeks," I said. "Yeah, well, I really want a good steak."

So I headed down Friday afternoon, managed to get myself caught in the mother of all Memorial Day Weekend Rush Hours, and after two long hours arrived at his house. It was sprinkling, but he said he wanted to go for a walk anyway. So we parked about halfway across the Texas A&M campus from the restaurant and then walked from there. As we walked by the bell tower, he asked me if I'd like to go in.

And there under the arches he asked me to marry him. I said yes. Of course. Hurray!

The ring is beautiful but I guess you'll have to click for a big version since my camera takes terrible closeups. It's prettier than anything I could have imagined, and I love the sapphire side stones. I keep missing green lights because I'll gaze at it while stopped at intersections. Ooops.

So yeah, in all, a very good weekend.


  1. Congratulations!!!

    P.S. - Staring at the ring never gets old. I still catch myself doing it 14+ years later.

  2. congratulations to you both!
    what wonderful exciting news.

  3. Squee! Congratulations!!! That's so exciting!


    I mean....


  5. Wow, that's fantastic news. Congrats! What a gorgeous ring.

  6. congratulations! :) gorgeous ring! I'm happy for you + dave!

    [and as bear knits said -- staring at the ring doesn't get old. I still stare at mine, too. :) ]

  7. Congratulations!! The ring is beautiful!

  8. Wonderful news! Best wishes (LOL).

  9. Congratulations!!!!Your ring is very nice....

  10. I am sooooooooo excited for you! Congratulations. I especially love that your mom commented awhile back that he was, indeed, a great guy. :) (((((hugs)))) oh yeah, the ring is BEAUTIFUL! May you never stop looking at it with the joy and wonder you have right now.

  11. Congrats, girl! He did a great job with the ring, love those sapphires!

  12. Wow! Congratulations, and wasn't he romantic!

  13. WHOOP! Congrats to you both!

  14. Your blog friends will love Dave even more when they find out he called us the Sunday before to tell us what he was planning. I think he was asking for our approval but we started blubbering in excitement as soon as he said engagement ring. We are very happy to have him join our family. And TJ couldn't have gotten a better bro-in-law if he'd been making the choice himself! Best wishes!

  15. Hi, I saw your comment on Kelp Knits, and I thought I'd say congrats too :) I just got engaged a few weeks ago, so I know the feeling! Have fun with it :)

  16. Congratulations! I did blow it up and it is a very pretty ring. I have to admit that I could have thought of a more romantic location to pop the question, but then I went to UT.

  17. congratulations, indeed! the ring is gorgeous. I agree with bear knits, starting @ the ring never gets old!! ;) thanks for the sharing the engagement story too..and I love that he called your parents before to tell them what he was planning. what a sweetheart! :)

  18. Congratulations! it's lovely!

  19. Congratulations! The ring is beautiful.

  20. Congratulations to you both! The ring is lovely.

  21. Felicitations? Best wishes? Well done? Fantastic?

    Alright I wanted to break up the linguistic monotony, but I'll give up while I'm ahead.


  22. What a fun weekend and a thrilling surprise. Best wishes to you and Dave! I suppose this means you can now safely knit him a sweater :-)

  23. Holy cow! Congratulations. Your ring is so beautiful. See, you weren't that far off from wedding planning after all!

  24. Lovely, lovely news, and a gorgeous ring as well. Congratulations to you two.

    BTW, the Cherry Leaf shawl is breathtaking as blocked!

  25. WOW! That is the best news. Congratulations!
