Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A real veil update

I've finished the center pattern and the first 2 of the 11 "plain stuff before you attach the edging" rows. I just LOVE the way the viney parts look.

Still, there's a long way before this becomes something I can wear to my wedding without everybody being really, really embarrassed for me.

(wow, is that lifeline ugly and obvious or *what*?)

And here's how much yarn I have to get there:

Can you believe that the whole project will (hopefully) only be one skein? That is a whole lot of yarn, guys!

I have been the very fortunate recipient of another great knitting gift! My fellow gamer friend Liz (who is always very nice about my knitting and even wears the socks I made her) brought me these great needles with dice on the ends!

They're sparkly and thus a little hard to catch with my sad little camera. I have to find something to knit with them during DnD games, because how great would that be?


  1. Looking good. I think the lifeline adds a certain something. Kind of the sack-over-the-head look!

  2. I especially like the picture of you wearing it, I can't imagine why you need to go any further. lol
    Seriously, it is really beautiful so far!

  3. It looks gorgeous, I can imagine it will look even more beautiful when blocked out. I'm using some laceweight at the moment, for the first time, and I'm really starting to see the appeal!

  4. Very, very nice lacework there -- your veil is going to be a thing of true beauty!

  5. Well, once it is done and blocked it will be beautiful....right now..hmmmm yup sack-over-the-head. lol

  6. ..and i mean this in the nicest possible way, but it sort of looks like a jellyfish is attacking your head.

    i'm sure it'll be beautiful when it's finished. :-)

  7. Yes, after you fight off that jellyfish, it will be gorgeous! Fun needles, too.

  8. Looking for a project to knit on those dice needles during DnD? No brainer!

    Dice bags! :) (Why yes, I HAVE made many dice bags in my time, why do you ask? ;) )

  9. I'm sure the veil will be beautiful. Right now, you could use it to cover up a bad hairdo :)

  10. I've been crazy busy and haven't visited your blog for while, but now that things are settling down I decided to pop over and see what you're up to. Your lace looks absolutely lovely! And it's very inspiring! I have my eye on several patterns from Victorian Lace Today, but I'm restraining myself until I've finished my current (rather long) list of projects.

  11. HI after a long break from reading! I think it is so cool that you are knitting your veil--and I know it will be beautiful!

  12. despite the fact that is kind of sack-over-the-head looking, it's going to be beautiful in it's finished state. Cool needles!
