Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I hate to admit it, but it appears that the less schoolwork I'm supposed to be doing, the less time I spend on the internet. I am having a helluva time getting caught up on my interneting.

Deepest apologies to everyone who emailed me in the last couple of days to get added to the Sock in a Day Challenge. I have added you now. Here are some IMPORTANT THINGS FOR SOCK-IN-A-DAY PARTICIPANTS

-I am going to close signups at midnight on Friday,* so for those of you wondering: no, it is not too late to join, but it will be soon.

-The challenge ends at midnight on May 20.*

-Some of you have already finished your socks. Congratulations! As I have said, I am way behind on my interneting, so as a way of making sure everybody gets proper credit I am asking you to email me when you finish your sock. (everwhelmingliz at gmail, if you'll recall). If you finish it within the time frame, of course. I know I've already acknowledged several completed socks, but really, if you want to get your name in the drawing I need you to email me.

-To the three of you who posted to our Flickr group, thanks! Anybody else with progress or finished socks, we'd love to have pictures posted there!

*All times are central, because I am. And the earth revolves around the central time zone--that's why they named it that, isn't it?

Now for some stuff that isn't related to socks

I want to thank you guys so, so much for the compliments on Venezia. Really, I have enjoyed every single thing you said about it, and getting that feedback is almost as fun as having the finished sweater to stare at all day.

And my deepest apologies to those who experienced a loss of breath or irregular heartbeat. I hope you sustained no lasting damage ;-)


  1. the only way I will recover is if you show Venezia now and then so we can see that it was worth it! congrats on a successful challenge, glad you got a lot of participants.

  2. Even though it's too hot to wear, I still think you should sneak Venezia into the family portrait we're taking this weekend...a casual drape over the arm...

    I'm ready to start the heel flap on my sock! Yea!

  3. My sock has most of the leg done. I really want it a little longer, but at any point now I could bind it off and call it a sock. I'll try to post a pic, and put one in the flickr group also.

    And I've tagged you for 8 random things -- check out the rules on my blog. Have fun!

  4. you could also attribute the nice weather to spending less time on-line.

  5. Hey - tried to send you an email but it bounced back. Anyway - I finished my sock in 12 hours of knitting.
