Monday, May 14, 2007

Sock in a Mother's Day wrapup: pride cometh before a cramp

I had to admit defeat last night. I tried, really I did. I even took the sock with me when we went on a walk *in the dark* and knit most of the heel flap then. The neighbors made fun.

Mom's new stockinette sock is now as far as she got before frogging, maybe farther. But yeah, neither of us made it. Sigh.

I kinda feel like a failure, but the truth is I decided about halfway down the cuff that I would not stay up all night knitting, and I would not permanently injure myself. My hands were really starting to hurt by the time I finished the cuff. The whole point of this challenge was to see if I *could* do it, not to make myself do it at the expense of having a good time (not to mention at the expense of my joints). Still, there are others out there who have already completed a sock, so don't get discouraged. And take some ibuprofen.


  1. To be honest, I am impressed that you got that far. I also love that you saw the point of wanted to see if you *could* and you also didn't want to make it something that became not fun. Pat yourself on the back...and your mom, too. You did great!

  2. An interesting experiment, to be sure. For me, the 18-hours-over-a-week way is definitely the way to go, and it will be a challenge to find the time in a week. I knit two hours last night and accomplished -- one toe. Of course, when I especially want everything to go right, I muff the cast-on twice, drop stitches, you name it. This is why I normally avoid timing my knitting, or what non-knitters might call the "work", as in, "how much work was that?" Answer: None, I do it for pleasure.

  3. I thought I was going to finish my sock today,but nope. Still it was a fun experiment, and I am almost done.
    I think that since you finished a freaking gorgeous Venezia,you can pretty much rest on those laurels for the rest of your life :D

  4. Sock in a day? Not for me, either. But, 18 hours over a week = totally doable. I'm moving along on the ugliest sock I've ever knit and I will be so happy to be done. Of course, there is the other sock.

  5. I think you did really well. That's a lot of work for one day, especially with the ribbing. Good job!

  6. You got further then I would have been able to....

  7. I'm impressed, too - I can barely knit a sock in a week. Perhaps some knitterly training (stitch boot camp) would be the ticket?

  8. I made it about as far as you did on Sunday. Maybe there was some sock knitting black hole mojo happening. Hopefully I'll get a chance to post a photo later today.

    Good news is that the foot always seems to go faster for me, so it should be a hop, skip, and a jump to the finish line.

    Thanks again for planning this challenge during your exams. It was loads of fun.

  9. Hey, you can always try again! And honestly, you did come a really long way.

    I keep on squinting to find out... is that a Roza's? And is that Lorna's Laces China blue? If so, I'm going to be totally amused. Great minds really must think alike in that case :D
