Monday, August 13, 2007


I am remembering this girl scout song I used to love:

I am slowly going crazy
1 2 3 4 5 6 switch
Slowly am I crazy going
6 5 4 3 2 1 switch

And with all girl scout songs, you sing it overandover, getting faster and higher pitched with each verse. It's got a good tune.

So today my comprehensive exams started. These work differently in every school and in every department, so here's a brief description:

You enter the program, and you take classes for two years. Then you spend one summer studying everything you learned in those two years over again, and then some. At the end of the summer you take your exams, and then you get to start working on your dissertation. There are three written exams, one for each of your three fields. Then the next week, your three professors ask you questions about your written exam and everything else you have learned in the last two years.

It is a stressful time. I think today went OK, but I'm waiting to look over my answers until I've finished all three exams. But if I don't get around to reading your blog or responding to your emails any time soon, please forgive me.

Luckily the mailman brought me something to snuggle while I stress. Lime N Violet Sasquatch Sock yarn in Snow Lake. Sadly, I apparently take bad pictures when under stress.

Wish me luck!


  1. I'm with ya....I'll be praying all goes well. Try to relax. I bet your mom is doing the stressing for you if she's anything like me. And no, it doesn't help. Glad you got your yarn!

  2. In between exams you can be thinking what you're going to make with your new yarn, huh? Good luck!

  3. I look forward to when you are finished so you can stop stressing and we can get together and play (knitting, wedding plans, etc.). I have great confidence in you and that you know the material and will do well. You can do this! Your friends have good advice - prayer, relaxation, and thoughts of your reward - new socks! You are on the top of my prayer list! I love you!

  4. luck, luck, luck!!! (and love that fiber!)

  5. I remember comps. Not fun at all. Good luck!

  6. good luck with your comps--I know you're going to do awesome. :)

  7. I remember that song! Now it's stuck in my head.

    Good luck with everything!

  8. Good Luck! I'm glad I did not have as much grief in grad school years ago.

  9. You don't need luck, you've got skillz!

  10. Yikes!! Good luck on your comps. The yarn will make you strong.

  11. I've been lurking for a while now, but for this, I will come out of the shadows. I had my prelims last fall and everything turned out just fine even though I was sure coming out of the oral that I had answered about half the questions wrong/inadequately ;)

    Good luck!

  12. Wishing you luck....I am sure all will go well.
    Love your yarn....

  13. Oh, my! I understand! But it is interesting how different programs have such different processes.

    Good luck. Relax. It will be over soon.

  14. GOOD LUCK! Just keep petting the yarn, it will make you calm and happy. :D

    Can't wait to meet up with you soon so we can start wedding planning! *wink!*

  15. I've tried for a long time to repress any memory of comps. Good luck with your comps! Just think of all the free time you'll have after you're done with them :)

  16. Good luck on your comps, girl! Show those exams who's boss!

  17. I need to know the tune of that song so I can annoy my coworkers with it!

  18. Sorry about that. I linked your page wrong. I nominated you (and have now fixed the link). Thanks for the head's up.
