Saturday, August 18, 2007

This post contains another shot of me dressed as a ghost

I'd like to start off by thanking Amanda of K is for Knitter for nominating me for the Rockin' Girl Blogger award!

These awards were started by Roberta Ferguson, and now I am supposed to 1) give her credit, 2) put up the badge and 3) add 5 other rockin' girl bloggers to the list.

Here are my nominees. This is hard!
Auntie Ann, my bestest blogging buddy, and her totally sweet socks.
Sherri, who knits beautiful things and has a beautiful outlook on her faith and family.
Amy of Sea Anemone, because she finds such awesome fabrics and colors and OMG I wish I could sew as well as her (or at all).
Melissa of Indigo Mouse, who has great taste in sweaters and writes about her projects so well.
Heather of Knitting and Reading, because I love reading about fun books when I don't have time to read the books themselves.

Whew, that was a lot of HTML. Ok, well Amanda nominated me because (blush) I "always [have] amazing projects to show off." Lucky for you guys, I plan on living up to that in this post!

I finished the knitting on Wednesday...

...but it still wasn't looking great as a veil.

Before, with yardstick for scale: about 38" across.

And after, about 60" across.

Click to embiggen. The only detail shot I took was a closeup of the thing's one flaw, and I don't really feel the need to show that one around ;-)

In this blog's long tradition of crap photography, that's all I have for you right now. But I should be able to get better pictures next weekend, so stay tuned.

Oh, and you will have to wait until March to see me play ghostie again.



  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Don't you just love the magic of blocking? Such a thrill to see it turn from a shapless and bumpy blob into something wonderful!

    I can't believe that you finished it so quickly. It looks amazing.

  4. That is just amazing! I am so impressed. Someday I will knit some lace and I hope it looks half as good. Meantime I have to make do with the $10 black lace shawl from the outlet mall. And thanks so much for nominating me! I am humbled.

  5. Wow, what a difference. It's absolutely stunning!

    An award? I'm blushing--thanks! (Why did the button have to be hot pink though? I don't think my blog has ever seen quite that shade of pink!)

  6. Love it Love it Love it!!!!! It's stunning. And not an eye will be off you when they see you wearing it! :)

  7. Oh wow! Wowowowowowowow. It's absolutely freakin' gorgeous! I can only pray mine turns out half as pretty.

  8. Amazing--I am always amazed by real people who knit such beautiful lace--it looks just magical to me! Congratulations!

  9. Stunning! Like a butterfly emerging from the cocoon to see the blocked've made a lovely, lovely thing :)

  10. coming over from turtlegirl's blog...that shawl is amazing! I think it's just been put on my to do list.

  11. wow you finished it, and so quickly too. great job! can't wait to see it modeled.

  12. Awww... but I want to see you as a ghost sooner than March! ;-) I want to take amazing bridal shots of you with your veil. Pretty please with sugar on top?

    It is sooooo lovely! I'm so impressed!

  13. Oh my gosh....that is sooo beautiful! I am eager to see you in it in March. Oh my gosh, I am just speechless at how impressed I am!

    Thank you so much for the nomination, I am totally humbled!
