Saturday, September 01, 2007

Cap Shawl from Victorian Lace Today

I am probably the laziest blogger in the world, but now, two weeks after finishing the shawl, here are the pretty pictures I promised.

Pattern: Cap Shawl from Victorian Lace Today
Yarn: Merino Oro in natural
Needles: US 7s
Modifications: I omitted twelve rows from both chart A and chart B so that I wouldn't run out of yarn.
Finished size: about 60" in diameter, 14" smaller than the pattern says. Too short to be a shawl, but I don't mind: that's not what it's for!

Thoughts: I absolutely loved this project. It stayed entertaining even when there were more than 600 stitches in a row. The thing is just gorgeous, and I can't wait to wear it. You know, partly because it's pretty, and partly because if I'm wearing it that also means I'm marrying Dave. :D

I brought it to knitting night on Thursday and the lovely and talented Katharine took some pictures for me. I am very grateful for her help, as y'all know I can't photograph my way out of a paper bag (unless the way out involves an off-center self portrait). This picture is my absolute favorite:



  1. So gorgeous!! I am jealous of your knitting skills! Someday, maybe, I'll be capable of knitting something this lovely and complex. And calculating when I will run out of yarn.

  2. wow, that shawl is stunning!

    just, wow.

  3. It is so beautiful, Liz. I can't wait to see pictures of the way you do intend to wear it. I love the should be so proud!

  4. You've done an amazing job. That's gorgeous - it will look stunning on the day.

  5. It looks beautiful! You did a wonderful job with that, and it's really inspiring.

  6. Very beautiful work! Don't you love Merino Oro? I think it's a lovely lace yarn.


  7. wow! It's very pretty :)

  8. Super pictures of your fantastic work - well done, you!!

  9. This shawl is stunningly beautiful - so fragile and elegant looking, a real piece of art! I'm a die-hard-lace fan and am seriously wondering why I haven't yet bought that book - will head on over to right now! Thanks for the inspiration, and congratulations on a really beautiful accomplishment!

  10. Wow, that looks stunning! I'm also super impressed by how fast you cranked this out.

  11. It is stunning. Absolutely gorgeous! If I were you I would never want to take it off.

  12. Ooh beautiful!

    I think you could easily wear it as a regular shawl after the wedding. But then, I know nothing about shawls or how big they should be.

  13. Wow! Completely gorgeous!

  14. GAH! I missed all the good stuff by not going to knitting on Thursday. Mike had to go into the office, and by the time he got home it was almost 8 - too late for me to then drive in. Bummer! I can't WAIT to see this in person - it is so beautiful!

  15. Oh my!! that's a shawl to be proud of.

  16. Brilliant! It's going to look so good and really, I think the size is perfect.
