Thursday, September 13, 2007


Did you guys miss me? I have been so freakin' busy. And it's funny how going more than two weeks without blogging about current projects means you have a TON to talk about, even if it's been light knitting.

1) I got into Ravelry at last! I've found some of you already, but you can look for me as EverwhelmingLiz.

2) I forgot to say, but I passed my comps. I am now ABD (all but dissertation), and once I fill out a form and turn in a transcript I will have completed the requirements for a Bonus Master's Degree. But now I'm frantically working on a dissertation proposal and, soon, grant proposals. I should be doing that right now, but I missed you guys!

3) The wedding plans are... progressing. Slowly. Hopefully on Friday we'll get the final news about whether the seamstress can do the dress I want. I'll post about that later, if it works out it is going to be really awesome.

4) If you guys pray, please pray for my grandmother and our family. If you don't, send us some good thoughts. She has Alzheimer's and finally had to go into a nursing home last week. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry, it was so sad to see her there, with her mind essentially gone.

Ok, and the knitting.

1) I've mostly been working on the second Twisted Flower sock, which is done at last. In a fit of generosity last weekend I offered these to my aunt, but I don't know how well they will wash, so I guess I ought to test a swatch.

These were some very challenging socks, but so much fun. Also, Dave had better keep an eye on me, because I am tempted to run away with Louet Gems and have its babies. Softest, prettiest yarn EVER.

2) With the socks winding down, I started working on smaller things. I made a baby hat with some leftover 1824 Wool. The Yarn Harlot is coming to town next Tuesday, and this is my contribution to the representation.

The pattern is the Umbilical Cord hat from Stitch n Bitch. This was my first ever baby knit, and it is so freaking cute. I hope it makes somebody's baby very happy and warm.

3) With the baby hat done, I went even smaller.

The plan is to make enough of these to cover my entire Christmas tree, then have a Christmas party and let everybody take one home. They're lots of fun to make. Would you guys be interested in a pattern? They're pretty basic, just the normal sock on normal US1s, except only 16 stitches around.

4) This post is quickly approaching critical mass, but I need to include the status of the Equestrian Blazer. I am really not happy with this thing. My row gauge is off and it's coming out too long. I made some adjustments and lowered the armpit a couple inches. It was still too long, and then the other front came out about a half inch longer. Groan.

I have the back and both fronts done (they're those long skinny curled up things), but now that I can see other people's finished blazers on Ravelry I am falling more out of love with this project. It is just not as tailored or sleek as I had hoped.

I think it is destined for the frog pond. I want to make a cardigan with the same lines as the Tangled Yoke cardigan from the latest IK, but maybe without the cable. Any thoughts?


  1. The baby cap and mini-socks are adorable. I get compliments on my mini-socks at every knit night. But the Twisted Flower socks -- so awesome! That is an amazing pattern and you knit it wonderfully. I love the color, too.

    I don't know what to say about the Equestrian blazer, it never was my style, but I could see it on you. But if you're not feeling the love and it's giving you problems, it may be time to frog it.

  2. I don't pray, but I definitely understand what you and your family are going through with your grandma. My great grandparents had Alzheimers, and though I was 8 or so when the last one died, I do remember how upsetting it was for everyone.

    On a brighter note, I love the little mini socks, so I'd love a pattern! I like the idea of them as tree ornaments. What a great way to use up leftover bits of sock yarn too!

    That sucks about the Equestrian Blazer. I know what you mean about it not being as fitted. In the magazine it looks very svelt, but the finished ones I've seen don't look as fitted.

  3. Liz, you've got my prayers. I understand the hard.
    I love your little socks and would love the pattern, after I saw yours awhile back, I tried to make some for my MIL and while she loves them, I think they are a joke. lol
    I absolutely love and am impressed with your socks, if my life ever feels normal again, I will give them a try.
    Hopefully you will know what you need to do with the blazer...go with your gut. ugh.
    Lucky you, every time I have planned to see the Yarn Harlot, something has happened to keep me from it.
    And last but not least, congrats on your accomplishments in your degree! I have been meaning to ask you how it all went but was a little afraid to. lol
    Welcome to Ravelry! I added you.

  4. I love the mini sock, and the party idea. Although don't underestimate how long they take, or overestimate your interest in making them! ;)

    My grandma is currently pretty far gone with alzheimers, and I lost a grandpa to the disease back in elementary school. It's got to be one of the worst ways to go... for the family, if not for the patient.

  5. ABD! Congratulations on passing your comps. Just something called a dissertation left :)

    Sending good thoughts to your grandma and your family.

  6. I love the tiny stockings! I don't really like making socks, but I bet I could handle those. ;)

  7. The socks (big and small) are fabulous. Baby knits are a great way to use up bits and pitch in. Good for you!

    I'm sending out warm and happy thoughts to you and your Grandmother.

  8. congrats on passing your comps and becoming ABD. :) There are a couple of ABD's at my school. Here's to hoping that you complete your dissertation in a timely manner and don't put it off for too long. Your family will be in my thoughts. twisted flowers look great!

  9. Congrats on passing your comps and making beautiful socks! Wow, I'm impressed. I'm glad you like Louet Gems. I haven't used mine, and I'm glad that it's as nice as it feels in the skein.

    Sorry about your grandmother. And, to a lesser degree, the blazer.

  10. I will keep your grandma in my prayers...
    I just love your tiny socks...I made a few and use them as book marks.

  11. Those cabled socks are amazing! Love them. I also really liked the Equestrian Blazer when I first saw it but haven't been sold on it yet. I would be interested to see how yours turns out.

    Also, so sorry to hear about your grandma.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Your family will be in my prayers.
    I love the sock, it's such a good idea!
    Congrats on your comps! Have fun meeting the Yarn Harlot!

  13. My! The twisted flower socks look precious. It's amazing how you pull off complex patterns.

    I'm curious to see what knitwear patterns you'll design, left on your own. Given the kind of projects you knit, I'm kinda sensing they'll be quite amazing themselves.

    Sending best vibes to your grandma and your family.

  14. I think the idea of the Tangled Yoke Cardigan without the cable is a great one! I have been trying to figure out how to adjust the IK pattern to not do the cable, but since I have not worked with yokes in the round like that before, I'm having a problem coming up with what modifications to make for that section. Any ideas greatly appreciated! Thanks! Jen
