Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sock in a Day

I've been over at the Knitty message boards, concocting a plan. A challenge.

Is it possible (for me) to knit a sock in a day?

Readers of the Yarn Harlot may recall when she went through a couple of weeks, knitting an entire sock each day. The bulk of her discussion is here.

You guys may recall the Bearfoot sock I finished a while back (holy crap was that a month ago?!). Since then I have been working on lots of other things--Venezia, the shawl, the boobies, the large but unsuccessful swatch for a chemo cap, something else I can't reveal yet, and so on and so forth--and haven't even been able to cast on for the other sock. And I WANT that sock.

So! Finals will be over in two weeks (faints) and I've decided to take a day and make myself a sock. In a day. Just to see if it's possible, you know?

Anybody want to join me? I've been talking to interested parties over on the Knitty message boards (I'm aggie epee, if you didn't know) and we're going to set aside a week, and you get to pick your day. I'll put up a more formal post with the rules and all in a couple days.

Start warming up your needles!

p.s. Happy birthday. You know who you are.


  1. Why, thank you!

  2. Oh, if only I could, then I would, but I shouldn't.

  3. good lord...a sock in a day?? I'd be lucky to finish a sock in a month!! good luck with that. I'll be rooting for you! ;)

  4. I will be rooting for you, too. I'm already nuts from wedding stuff and that might just send me over the edge. haha But...hey, I DID knit a sock in a day the other day. Bet it doesn't count!

  5. Well I might be the only reader who can't knit I'm inspired by the sock a day challenge and I'll also be rooting for you, and striving to unravel my socks to make space in the world for all those new socks.

  6. I think it would be fun to do but I have company coming in to town. Now are you talking a pair of socks or one sock??? I can do a quilt in a day, but that doesn't include the backing. good luck and maybe I will try it next time around

  7. I will definitely give this one a try...need something to distract me from studying for bar ads.

    Keep me posted on the date.

  8. I'm up for the challenge....but it depends on the much going on. If I can get my sister to wait on us hand and feet we could both do it the weekend we go visit your grandparents. We might have to bribe her with the socks (either knit the same sock at same gauge...or it would be just like my sister to wear mismatched hand-knit socks!)
